Now the Church of England is backing Shariah Law! Dhimmitude and the death of the Empire 101
Suicide Anonymous: Church of Scotland Backs Shariah Law
Imagine the leading mosque in Saudi Arabia issuing a statement welcoming the establishment of medieval-style Christian law courts in that country. Wouldn’t happen, would it?
But this is precisely what is happening in Britain. The Church of Scotland has welcomed the possibility of introducing shariah law courts in Scotland — ignoring the fact that Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam, does not even allow Christian churches to be built or Christian church services to be held.
Rev Ian Galloway, convener of the Church and Society Council, said “What is being brought to us is not some kind of parallel jurisdiction that replaces our legal system; rather it is a space, within a given community, for disputes to be resolved.”
He added that shariah courts had been “unfairly portrayed” but in the same breath said that shariah courts must “not break fundamental tenets of the Human Rights Act and the rights of women must be respected.”
His comments follow revelations that the Muslim Arbitration Tribunal (MAT), based in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, was holding secret talks with lawyers and community groups about setting up shariah courts north of the Border.
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