New Board Game from Indonesia teaches young radicals Shariah Law! Must read!
Been harassed by hardline religious police? Been arrested for holding hands with your own spouse? I have. Now our children can share these exciting experiences with a board game inspired by Sharia law.
Just take home a copy of Good Game, a genuine board game introduced to me by reader Isman Suryaman from Indonesia. After a few rounds, your kids will be cute little Asian extremists.
Open the box and you’ll find a board and counters, just like Monopoly. But instead of landing on squares named after properties, children land on circles representing good deeds or bad ones.
The language of the game is Bahasa Indonesian, so you may first land on olahraga (“sport”) and win 10 points. But it’s even better if you land on menjaga kebersihan (“cleanliness”) and net 20 points. Smart children quickly learn to avoid sport and take long baths to amass points faster.
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another example of a Muslim Childrens Board Game