Saudi Arabia: Foreign worker beheaded in death sentence execution

Riyadh, 14 Oct. (AKI) – A Filipino worker was beheaded by sword on Tuesday in the coastal city of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia after he was found guilty of killing a Saudi citizen in the Islamic holy city of Mecca by suffocating the man and piercing his neck with a pen.

The worker, Jenifer Bidoya, also known as Venancio Ladion, was found guilty by Saudi Arabia’s highest court, the Supreme Judicial Council.

The first sentence was issued in April 2007 by a Sharia (Islamic) law court in Jeddah.

The execution was carried out despite appeals by Philippine President Gloria Arroyo to Saudi’s King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud.

The family of the victim also refused to forgive Bidoya.

Sharia law has both public and private liability, thus even if the king would have pardoned Bidoya, the family’s insistence on carrying out the execution means it had to be carried out.

Authorities also said that a Saudi man, Fahd al-Shadoukhey, was beheaded on Tuesday after being convicted of theft and rape while under the influence of alcohol.


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