Congress Cozying Up to CAIR-Dhimmitude 101
/IPT News/
October 17, 2008
Politicians normally are pretty protective of their public images. They
might take campaign money from some shady characters, but common sense
dictates that they avoid too many public associations that can prove
One exception seems to be when the Council on American Islamic Relations
<http://www.investig ativeproject. org/profile/ 172> (CAIR) is involved.
Growing public evidence shows that CAIR has been dishonest about its roots
and its ultimate objective. But that fact has done nothing to give pause to
several members of Congress who continue to speak at CAIR functions and
support the group’s political agenda.
CAIR has established roots in the Islamic Association for Palestine
(IAP) , a group found to be a front for Hamas. In June 2007 federal
prosecutors named CAIR an unindicted co-conspirator in the Hamas-support
trial against the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF).[1]
The “List of Unindicted Co-conspirator and/or Joint Venturers
designates CAIR as a co-conspirator because of its associations with the US
Muslim Brotherhood’ s Palestine Committee.[2]
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