Shariah Finance Watch wants to hear from their readers. Have you seen changes due to Shariah Laws being used in your local shops? Wal Marts? Targets? Department Stores? School Books? Prayer rooms in Public Spaces?

Have you public schools changed their menus to provide Halal meats, or made special prayer rooms for Muslims to pray? Have the schools encouraged “fast a thons” over Ramadan where the student body was asked to fast, or not eat Haram foods at school during Ramadan?

Have you noticed that Target has special checkers for products like pork or alcohol? Are displays of Christmas and Hanukkah played down, but Islamic festivals encourged at your public school? Have you checked the textbooks your children are reading about history? Look at the chapers regarding Christianity and Islam, and see if the portrayal of the USA , Free Speech, and facts check out. “History Alive” a tenth grade book has been subject and with good cause to a lot of concern regarding their facts.

In order to stop Shariah, we need to start at the bottom. One does not need to be a financial expert to understand that this creeping form of Islamic law is being promoted into the mainstream by baby steps, and they as they start to ease their way into our life, that the next steps will occur.

A great concern is the education of our youth. Many teachers who are concerned about “multiculturalism” use Islam and Shariah as a way to show the world that it is not of concern. This is part of the great lie. Whilelwe can celebrate the foods, and cutlture of all Islam is being brought into the frontline, as the population of Muslims increase (as we see in articles posted regarding the growth of Islam in Connecticut) and that subjects and actions about Christianity that are off limits in public schools due to separation of Church and State seem not to matter when the issue of Islam is brought to the campus.  WHY?

Please send us any stories, or books, or observations, so we can see how Shariah is making it’s way into the heartland, Europe, Asia, Australia, UK, and worldwide.  Areas to also watch are the arts, museums, books being sold at the booksellers. Do you notice an increase of women wearing the veil? Have movies come under protest as they might offend Muslims? Is your local paper putting out articles about Islam as the religion of peace, and other PR practices? Is CAIR active in your community, and are speakers being brought into your town to discuss Islam and trying to convert Christians?

Thank you for letting us know in advance, and all names and towns, if requested will be kept private. We will be doing a “Shariah Watch” update, as the information is received. This is in no way meant to harm, nor humiliate any Muslim who is a fine citizen of your community, just the changes that are being made in order to accommodate Islam in a Judeo/Christian country, and what we need to know in order to preserve OUR culture.

Thank you,

Allyson Rowen Taylor


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