Expert Warns Obama To Avoid Islamic Finance
Wednesday, November 5, 2008 1:44 PM
By: Dave Eberhart
Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy warns that the president-elect
should avoid financing his great society with tainted Islamic-correct petro
dollars, saying their strings might be attached inextricably to the nation’s
worst extremist enemies.
With Barack Obama’s victory Tuesday sucking the oxygen from the air, few are
focusing on Thursday, the day the U.S. Treasury Department will embrace the
so-called “Shariah-Compliant Finance” or SCF.
If “Shariah” doesn’t ring any bells other than sounding foreign and somewhat
ominous, it is simply the “religio-political-legal code authoritative Islam
seeks to impose worldwide under a global theocracy,” Gaffney said.
The Treasury Department will host a “seminar for the policy community” entitled
“Islamic Finance 101,” and it’s all about getting warm and fuzzy with SCF.
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