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Somali stoning victim said to be 13

KISMAYO, Somalia, Nov. 4 (UPI) — A young Somali woman stoned to death by a crowd was 13 years old, not 23 as reported by local news media, human rights activists say. 

Some 50 men took part in the stoning of Aisha Ibrahim Duhulowat at a football stadium in the southern port city of Kismayo, Somalia, which this year was captured by militias loyal to the Islamic fundamentalist rebel group al-Shabab, the BBC said Tuesday.

Local media reported that Duhulowat was an adult woman who had confessed adultery to a Islamic Sharia law court and had accepted her punishment. But the human rights group Amnesty International says it learned she was only 13, which would make stoning illegal under Sharia law, and further, that her father claimed she had been raped by three men.

Rather than accepting her punishment, witnesses speaking under the condition of anonymity told the BBC the girl was weeping and pleaded with officials to let her live. She was buried up to her neck and 50 men threw stones at her, witnesses said.


One Response to 13 year old child stoned to death by Shariah Law

  1. crusaderrabbit says:

    In ’75 as an US convert to Islam, having been degreed in Sociology/Pol. Science and a solo world traveler, I also absorbed much from cultural readings and exposure a most valuable experience that helped shaped my personal idealogies.
    Currently, as a retired professor and Mental Health Professional,I can’t help but say that these fundamentalist zealots, have had their minds so well induced that they sadly believe what they are doing is being praised by their maker, whilst in fact, they’ve no clue that they manifest behavior that is the opposite of ‘love’. I truly believe that the Pro. Muhammad [PBUH] would turn in his grave if he could see what disturbingly insane behaviors are being manifested in the name of “Muslim”, “Islam” and towards women.
    Taking a ride back in a time machine to the days of the cave dwellers, who used blunt force when they were disagreeable or the gladiators in the coliseums who bludgeon each to the death, the tortures and deaths of the Crusades over ‘religion’ or even the despicable and notorius actions, for beyond 400 years in my own country, against the African slaves and many of their decendents…all evidence from the “the whisperings of the slinking devil” to me and not the commandment of “love”.
    In this case, the stoning of the female child to death goes back to the biblical days…this is the 21st century!!
    Perhaps, those who paticpated should be aware, let him who has NEVER SINNED, cast the first stone. I’m sure there’s no one eligible to step forth. These murderers without any guilt took a defenseless child’s life effortlessly. Meanwhile thosse who violated her have a patent of innocence on their male anatomy? If that be the case, then NOTHING of modern technology should be acceptible to them, no technological advances since the biblical days since their irrational behavior is so deeply ingrained with warped and twisted beliefs that do not reflect the commandment of ‘love’.
    In Islam, there is supposed to be ‘equality’ between the genders which obviously under Sharia Law is only a fantasy. A throne for the male and a grave for the female is what this case is about. Sharia has many imperfections in this manner as seen by the international community.
    Unlawful[the laws of our MAKER]gender bias has no place in today’s societies. We are where we are today because of growth, both emotional, psychlogical and mental. Those whose growth is stunted from induced, mind-altering vocalization, manifest negative behaviors, the resulting evidence that we see as ‘uncivilized’, socially unacceptible, unforgiveable and are victims themselves…..inasmuch as they were not born that way but their minds were skillfully conditioned and programmed over time. Change has to and must occur in any culture which truely respects the gift human life.
    Women don’t enjoy or relish in being raped and its traumatic outcome of fear, shame, psychological, emotional and physical. Men just don’t know and can never experience the totality of all of this pain. Thus, they can be heartless and have no guilt or be so low life as to deny their inappropriate violent action.
    Whether it be stoning or female genital circumcision the actions is nothing less than uncivilized and barbaric.
    From a female living where all religions can live side by side in harmony, tolerance and respect….a long way to go for some cultures who just can’t respect or really accept the commandment of ‘LOVE’.
    Afi Phoebe

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