Washington DC: Coalition to Stop Shariah Press Conference

November 6, 2008 – Washington DC: The Coalition to Stop Shariah held a press conference at the National Press Club to oppose actions by the U.S. Treasury Department today to hold a course titled “Islamic Finance 101” to “train” government employees on Sharia-Compliant Finance (SCF).  The coalition, consisting of diverse groups with a shared interest in fighting Islamic supremacism, called for the U.S. Treasury Department to either cancel the training course this afternoon or to provide education on the full Islamic supremacist nature of Sharia.

Representative speakers for the coalition at the press conference included Frank Gaffney – Center for Security Policy, Robert Spencer – JihadWatch.org, Dan Pollak – Zionist Organization of America, Wendy Wright – Concerned Women for America, Faith J.H. McDonnell – The Institute on Research and Democracy, Kyle Scheindler of the Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET), Jim Boulet of English First, and Warren Mendelson of the Unity Coalition for Israel

[NOTE: Online video is available of the remarks of Frank Gaffney and of Robert Spencer.


Coalition Speakers at Press Conference
 (from left to right: Faith J.H. McDonnell, Dan Pollak, Robert Spencer, Frank Gaffney, Wendy Wright, Jim Boulet)
continue reading at…………………..   http://anti-jihad.org/blog/2008/11/coalition-conference/

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