Thursday, November 13, 2008

Alex Alexiev



As news reports trickle in indicating that the overwhelming majority of American Muslims voted for Barack Obama, the Wahhabi/Muslim Brotherhood-dominated Muslim establishment can barely conceal its glee at the prospect of the Obama presidency opening vast new opportunities for radical Islam in America. Whether such hopes are realistic or not remains to be seen.  But, in the meantime, the outgoing administration with little fanfare and less notice has obligingly opened  yet another avenue for the Islamists to pursue their ultimate objective of imposing barbaric sharia law in America.

The event in question was a Treasury Department seminar held last week entitled “Islamic Finance 101.” The advertised purpose of the closed meeting was to provide Treasury regulators with objective information on Islamic Finance, a rapidly growing sector also known as Sharia-Compliant Finance (SCF). In reality, the seminar was little more than a government-sponsored promotion of the subversive Islamist agenda carried out under the Sharia Finance guise.

To continue reading at Human Events, click here.
Mr. Alexiev is Vice President for Research for the Center for Security Policy. During nearly 20 years as a senior analyst with the national security division of the Rand Corporation, Mr. Alexiev directed numerous research projects for the Department of Defense and other agencies. He is the author of several books and myriad monographs and articles on national security issues. His present research focuses on issues related to Islamic extremism and terrorism. 
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