by SANE Staff, Fri, November 14, 2008, 00:11:AM
Photo: The car and decals the United States Military won’t allow Jesse Nieto, a 25-year Marine veteran whose son Marc was killed by jihadists on the USS Cole in 2000, to drive into Arlington Cemetery.    


You don’t normally think of PC when you think of the U.S. Marines. But in this day and age, that is sadly the case. The story is all right here from the Catholic News Agency. A Marine gets in trouble from some Marine commander who has been force-fed too much of the CAIR-induced Muslim sensitivity training sessions. The Marine reaches out to Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch who reaches out to SANE’s David Yerushalmi who in turn calls in the big guns of the Thomas More Law Center, who have their own former Marine lawyers on staff. Bam!

A Marine veteran whose anti-terrorist and anti-Islam vehicle decals hindered him in visiting the grave of his fallen son at Arlington National Cemetery has filed a federal lawsuit challenging the military order which rebuked his display of the decals.

Jesse Nieto, a 25-year Marine veteran, served two combat tours in Vietnam. His youngest son, Marc, was one of the seventeen sailors killed in the terrorist bombing of the U.S.S. Cole in October of 2000.

Since 1994 Nieto has been a civilian employee at the Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. In 2001 he began displaying various decals on his vehicle expressing sentiments such as “Remember the Cole, 12 Oct 2000,” “Islam=Terrorism” and “We Died, They Rejoiced.” 

continue reading at……………..


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