Another 2009 Conference – will Wall St. attend or stay away?
Islamic Finance World, North America 2009 – This is the 3rd year for this gathering, remember that these conferences are based on fashions in finance, they’re trendy only as long as the trend holds – the question is whether the economic meltdown will increase attendence – or will the lawsuit demanding that the U.S. government divest itself of the AIG shariah businesses discourage attendance?
Go here for more info –
4 days (FOUR DAYS of Shariah Compliant Finance – as boring as these usually are, since they avoid any substantive discussion of the real nature of Shariah, ask for hardship pay if you attend)…From March 29-April 2 – at the Harmonie Club in NYC, NY.
Here’s what’s interesting – they’re still actively recruiting speakers, sponsors, advertisers etc. – either they’re not very organized or there’s less interest than previously.
But the western consultants are still going for that Shariah spin – listed sponsors include Dow Jones, Standard & Poors, and of course the perenially present King and Spalding.