Ohio Islamic cleric Salah Sultan threatens US on Egyptian TV
Patrick Poole has posted an excellent, but disturbing, piece over on Pajamas Media about Muslim cleric Salah Sultan’s recent appearance on Egyptian television warning America that, in addition to the wrath of allah, one of these days we’re going to “suffer” more deaths than HAMAS is enduring in Gaza right now.
There IS a Shariah-Compliant Finance connection here and it goes to the very heart of some of the most disturbing and profound problems surrounding the whole movement. Salah Sultan is a member of the Fiqh Council of North America.
For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the term, fiqh is Islamic jurisprudence based on Shariah. If you go to the Fiqh Council of North America’s web site, it states that its mission is “advising and educating its members and officials on matters related to the application of Shariah in their individual and collective lives in the North American environment.”
A further exploration of their web site shows that these folks do indeed issue fatwas on and write about financial matters:
This is the whole point. The same Shariah authorities that go on Egyptian TV and threaten their very adopted home are the folks who issue rulings on any number of issues and topics–including finance and investments.
Shariah-Compliant Finance is but another means of infiltrating Shariah doctrine into our culture, society, and legal and financial systems. The proponents of Shariah-Compliant Finance never bother to tell us about folks involved in this whole movement who are so troubling, men like Qaradawi, Usmani and Sultan. Pay no attention to the men behind the curtain.