There they go again: Shariah-Compliant finance masquerading as “ethical” investing
The promoters of Shariah-Compliant Finance have openly stated that one of their goals is to successfully market their products to non-Muslim investors. They have even openly stated that perhaps the best way to do this is to remove any reference to Shariah or Islam in their marketing materials and messaging and to just call Shariah-Compliant Finance “Ethical Investing.”
That is exactly what the article at the link below is attempting to do.
Of course, there is nothing ethical at all about Shariah-Compliancy. Shariah is in fact a barbaric, medieval doctrine associated with egregious human rights violations around the globe. Moreover, Shariah-Compliant firms have been associated with terrorism financing and the proliferation of dangerous weapons. (Bank Al-Taqwa and Bank Melli are two examples).
If the promoters of Shariah-Compliant Finance are so proud of their beliefs, why must they conceal the names under which their financial products are labeled? If their doctrine is so swell, shouldn’t they be able to market it to non-Muslims interested in “ethical investing?”
Don’t these efforts to conceal amount to a violation of full and fair disclosure laws which are designed to protect individual investors?