How far do they want Shariah to go?
A couple of days ago, our “allies” in Pakistan made a separate peace with the Taliban in a deal in which they agreed to allow Shariah Law to be the law of the land in the northwest Pakistani provinces. This wasn’t so much of a reach for them, since Shariah has a prominent role throughout Pakistan anyway. Moreover, this isn’t the first truce that Pakistan has made with Jihadist militants in northwest Pakistan. I thought that the reaction of the Taliban was very telling and illustrative of the goals of the Jihadists, not just in Pakistan, but around the globe…
“Our whole struggle is for the enforcement of Shariah (Islamic) law,” Swat Taliban spokesman Muslim Khan said. “If this really brings us the implementation of Shariah, we will fully co-operate with it.”
And for those who are still in denial about where the Jihadists stand on democracy and where they want Shariah to be imposed, one of the parties to the peace deal made it clear…democracy is impossible under Shariah and Shariah needs to be imposed worldwide…