Shariah-promoting Muslim hate preacher ridicules troops abused in anti-war protests – and mocks their dead comrade
On March 11, 2009 · In Britain, Creeping Shariah, Islamic Law, Islamization, Shariah Law, Shariah Photos and Images, stealth jihad, United Kingdom
No doubt by now many readers of SFW have already seen images of Jihadist thugs protesting returning British Army troops parading at homecoming in Great Britain.
We won’t grant them more publicity by posting their ugly mugs here.
But what many people may not yet realize is that the group that organized the protest is a Jihadist organization called “Islam for the UK.” Islam for the UK’s expressed goal is to establish an Islamic state in Great Britain, ruled by Shariah law.
In that sense, they have something in common with the promoters of Shariah-Compliant Finance.