Hizb ut-Tahrir: Jihadists target “capitalism”
Hizb ut-Tahrir is a global Jihadist political organization which has been especially active in Great Britain in recent years. The organization is banned in Germany and has been declared a terrorist organization. Now, as the excellent folks at the Counterterrorism blog explain, they are emerging in the USA:
Hizb ut Tahrir has an English language web site you can check out:
The goal of the Hizb ut-Tahrir is the establishment of a global caliphate ruled by Shariah. Notice that their first US event is being held at an Islamic school, Aqsa School in Bridgeview, IL, just outside of Chicago.
The school’s web site appears to be down as of 2200hrs CDT on 20 June 09:
However, more information about this school is available on a couple of web sites which profile private schools:
It may be difficult for Americans to understand how a private school in our country can play host to an organization which seeks Islamic world rule, but such is the nature of Jihad. It’s just not something we can understand easily. If a Christian private school in America were to host a Ku Klux Klan rally, complete with a YouTube video, what do YOU suppose the reaction would be?
Hizb ut-Tahrir has just posted a YouTube video about its US debut:
One of the most significant aspects of this video is that it has Islam and Shariah replacing CAPITALISM, as opposed to democracy or secularism or Christianity or something else that the Jihadists are known to hate.
The Jihadists see Shariah as a replacement for capitalism. Regular readers of SFW will recall that Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, one of the world’s most prominent (and notorious) Shariah scholars made the same call not terribly long ago:
This should serve as a stark warning for those who believe that Shariah-Compliant Finance is just some benign tool for pious Muslims to avoid interest. As we have reported, Islamic leaders referred to Shariah-Compliant Finance as “missionary work” at the last World Islamic Economic Forum in Jakarta, Indonesia. The insinuation of Shariah-Compliant Finance into our financial system over time could put us in a position in which we can be blackmailed en masse or extorted by those with financial leverage over us.
This is certainly something that Hizb ut-Tahrir’s 1 million members in 40 countries are working to bring about.