The US special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, Mr Richard Holbrooke, says that Taliban militants are receiving more funding from their sympathisers abroad than from Afghanistan’s illegal drug trade.

Mr Holbrooke says: “More money is coming from the Gulf than is coming from the drug trade to the Taliban.”

Holbrooke thinks the governments in the Gulf are not involved, but that sympathisers from all over the world are — “with the bulk of it appearing to come from the Gulf.”

What Holbrooke does not mention is that the preferred method for funding Jihadist groups such as the Taliban has been and continues to be through zakat donations to Islamic charities, which then funnel the money to terrorists. And while Holbrooke may in fact me correct that governments in the Gulf are not directly involved, there can be no doubt that they look the other way and fail to investigate and enforce the activities of these Islamic charities.


Because, according to Shariah, 1/8 of zakat is supposed to be donated to those who are fighting in the way of allah, as we pointed out in an earlier post on the subject:

On the one hand, we have Mr. Holbrooke pointing out that the Taliban, who are fighting our GIs every day and night in Afghanistan, are being funded by sympathizers around the world, especially from the Gulf (Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, etc). On the other hand, we have President Obama pledging to ease scrutiny and restrictions on the zakat system which is largely being used as the funding source for our enemies.

Perhaps Obama needs to invite Holbrooke to the White House for a beer to get on the receiving end of another “teaching” experience?


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