Barack Obama adviser says Shariah Law is misunderstood
Regular readers of SFW may recall our reports a few months ago about Hizb ut-Tahrir.
Hizb ut-Tahrir is an international organization dedicated to the establishment of a worldwide Muslim Caliphate ruled by Shariah law. The organization held an event in Chicago calling for an end to capitalism and replacing free enterprise with an Islamic system of economics.
Hizb ut-Tahrir is also listed as a terrorist organization in some foreign countries, including Germany.
(Here is a link to our archives on Hizb ut-Tahrir):
We bring this up because President Obama’s key adviser on Muslim affairs, Dalia Mogahed, appeared on a TV show in Great Britain with Hizb ut-Tahrir members and proclaimed that Shariah law is “misunderstood” in the West.
We believe that Ms. Mogahed is actually attempting to create confusion by concealing the true nature of Shariah.
Consider what some other prominent Muslims have said about Shariah:
From Osama Bin Laden:
Regarding which shared understandings, exactly, is it possible that we agree with the immoral West?… What commonalities, if our foundations contradict, rendering useless the shared extremities–if they even exist? For practically everything valued by the immoral West is condemned under sharia law. As for this atmosphere of shared understandings, what evidence is there for Muslims to strive for this? What did the Prophet, the Companions after him, and the righteous forebears do? Did they wage jihad against the infidels, attacking them all over the earth, in order to place them under the suzerainty of Islam in great humility and submission? Or did they send messages to discover “shared understandings” between themselves and the infidels in order that they may reach an understanding whereby universal peace, security, and natural relations would spread–in such a satanic manner as this? The sharia provides a true and just path, securing Muslims, and providing peace to the world.
…Offensive Jihadis (are) an established and basic tenet of this religion. It is a religious duty rejected only by the most deluded. So how can they call off this religious obligation [Offensive Jihad], while imploring the West to understandings and talks “under the umbrella of justice, morality, and rights”? The essence of all this comes from right inside the halls of the United Nations, instead of the Divine foundations that are built upon hating the infidels, repudiating them with tongue and teeth till they embrace Islam or pay the jizya [tribute] with willing submission and humility…. Muslims, and especially the learned among them, should spread sharia law to the world–that and nothing else. Not laws under the “umbrella of justice, morality, and rights” as understood by the masses. No, the sharia of Islam is the foundation.
They say that our sharia does not impose our particular beliefs upon others; this is a false assertion. For it is, in fact, part of our religion to impose our particular beliefs upon others.
Thus whoever refuses the principle of terror[ism] against the enemy also refuses the commandment of Allah the Exalted, the Most High, and His sharia.