The Virus Spreads to Mauritius
The tiny island nation of Mauritius is the latest to succumb to Shariah finance as the Bank of Mauritius has been named to the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB).
The reason this is worth mentioning is that Mauritius is not an Islamic nation. The financial jihadists are striving to push Shariah finance and Shariah-compliant products out to non-Muslims. Mauritius’s affiliation with IFSB is the latest manifestation of that strategic goal.
It is worth mentioning a bit more about the IFSB at this point.
The IFSB describes itself as an international standards-setting board for Shariah finance. Among its member institutions are:
• 18 financial institutions from the Islamic Republic of Sudan, one of the most repugnant regimes on the face of the earth. Sudan is ruled by a Jihadist regime with its roots in the Jihadist Muslim Brotherhood. In addition to being the terrorist-sponsoring nation which brought Hezbollah and Al Qaeda together, Sudan has also committed genocide in the name of Allah for decades, first against Christians and Animists in the south of Sudan and more recently against African Muslims in Darfur who don’t subscribe to their particular brand of Salafi beliefs.
• 3 government-run financial institutions from the Islamic Republic of Iran, two of which are under international sanctions. Iran, of course, is the world’s most active Jihadist terrorist-sponsoring nation and also has a dangerous nuclear program in violation of international law.
• 2 financial institutions from the Syrian Arab Republic. Syria is also a state sponsor of terrorism.
In other words, the IFSB is tied to countries and member institutions which commit Jihad around the globe. If you like terrorism, you’ll love the IFSB.–on-the-right-track/Page1.html