Britain’s NatWest Bank Wrote 100% Mortgage for Al Qaeda Bombmaker
From the truth is stranger than fiction file comes the report from the UK Daily Mail that Britain’s NatWest Bank wrote Krenar Lusha a mortgage, complete with no downpayment.
There were a few problems with this transaction:
1. Lusha was in the UK illegally. NatWest failed to perform the required background checks on him. (This is the same financial services community that insists that they have done their due diligence on Shariah-Compliant Finance.)
2. Lusha proceeded to use his new home as a bombmaking lab.
By the way, NatWest even tried to get him to take out a second mortgage. That money could have come in handy to acquire more ingredients for bombs, but Lusha turned them down for some reason.
There are some real gems in the article in the Daily Mail about this case which we feel the need to point out:
When bank staff were asked about its dealings with Lusha, one mortgage advisor told Preston Crown Court: ‘He was just a pleasant natured person and there was nothing untoward.’
“A jury heard how he boasted to a string of women on dating websites of being a ‘terrorist’ and a ‘sniper’ and how he ‘loved’ to see Jews and Americans killed.”
“Lusha was convicted of possessing 71.8 litres of petrol, computer documents called Ragnar’s Detonators and The Bomb Book, and video films called the Hezbollah Military Instructions Manual and Mobile Detonators.
“Prosecutor Nigel Godsmark QC told the court that the Hezbollah instructional videos were in Arabic and advised how to make detonators, explosives, a missile and a suicide bomber belt.”
In case you are wondering about NatWest’s current mortgage business, here is a useful link:
We can only hope that NatWest’s due diligence on all aspects of Shariah Finance are better than their compliance with British law.