A Scheme to Route Zakat Through OIC?
An official of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) put forth a proposal this week to route all zakat through the OIC.
This would be a troubling development since the OIC is dominated by Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia’s official state religion is Wahhabi Islam, a particularly intolerant and violent sect. Moreover, the OIC has been out in front of efforts to stifle free speech and freedom of expression in the world, as well as to promote Shariah.
One of the chief concerns about Shariah Finance is the disposition and destinations of zakat. Many Islamic charities have been discovered to find Jihadist terrorist groups and, the largest charity in Saudi Arabia, the Union of Good, an umbrella group of 53 charities, has been named a terrorist entity by the US Treasury Department. Ominously, the head of the Union of Good is none other than Sheikh Youssef al Qaradawi, the most prominent Sunni Shariah scholar in the world, and a man who sits on the Shariah advisory boards of several large state-operated Shariah-Compliant banks in the Middle East.
It is almost impossible to see a scenario in which the OIC overseeing zakat would be a good thing for world security and peace…