Bahrain, UAE call for “reform” of Shariah-Compliant Finance
The central banks of Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates have called for “reform” of Shariah-Compliant Finance.
But their idea of reform simply means more coordination and industry-wide standards by Shariah scholars (men like Sheikh al-Qaradawi and Mufti Usmani), not true reform.
No where in their call for reform will you find increased transparency and disclosure of what Shariah really is and who the Shariah scholars really are. Nor will you find any reference to trying to prevent zakat payments from going to Jihadist terrorists. The reason these topics are not addressed by “reform” efforts is that they are not considered necessary by the people promoting financial jihad…
Maybe this is a good indication of why we should not be surprised by the news that groups in “Gulf nations” are financing the Taliban.