Money Jihad continues to do just an outstanding job of shedding some light on the incredibly complicated and opaque world of financial jihad.

This week, in their “Weekly Word” feature, they introduce readers to the prominent role that Islamic charities play in the centralized economic system fundamental to Shariah.

In Iran, which is of course ruled by a Shia theocracy dominated by brutal ayatollahs, there is a whole separate system of charitable trusts which have essentially come to dominate large portions of Iran’s economy. Not coincidentally, Iran also continues to dominate Shariah-Compliant Finance, as we have covered here on SFW:

Iranian Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has also called for Shariah Finance to replace free market capitalism, essentially articulating a basic tenet of Shariah-Compliant Finance from its very origins:

And Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps uses Islamic charities worldwide in support of its Jihad operations:

Please head over to Money Jihad for more information on one of the basic building blocks of all this nefarious activity: the bonyad…


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