From the New York Times via Jihad Watch:

Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo should not investigate the financing of the proposed Islamic community center near ground zero, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said on Tuesday, reiterating his support for the project.

“I think it’s a terrible precedent,” he said. “You don’t want them investigating donations to religious organizations, and there’s no reason for the government to do so.”

Bloomberg is out to lunch on this issue. Non-profit organizations, including religious institutions, routinely have their funding examined. Many, if not most, are fully transparent in their financial dealings.

If the Ground Zero mosque is to be funded by foreign entities, especially foreign governments, the American people need to know. We believe that such an investigation will reveal the “tip of the iceberg,” as the overwhelming majority of major mosque expansion projects in this country are funded by foreign powers.

In America we have a clause in our constitution referred to as the “establishment clause.” This prohibits the U.S. government from promoting or inhibiting the free practice of religion.

But that does NOT mean that we have to allow foreign governments to spend huge sums of money establishing their official state religions in this country…


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