Our federal government has been allowing U.S. taxpayers to take a tax deduction for donations to Viva Palestina, a group that aids the terrorist group HAMAS.

Several months ago, Congressman Brad Sherman (D-CA) wrote the State Department, the Department of Justice, and the IRS, pointing out that Viva Palestina funds terrorism and is soliciting donations in America. U.S. counterterror laws prohibit soliciting funds for a recognized terrorist organization.

Viva Palestina is run by former British MP George Galloway, who openly supports HAMAS.

Sherman said he has faced difficulty due to the fact that Viva Palestina’s branch in the U.S. is partnered with the charity group Interreligious Foundation for Community Organizations (IFCO) and receives money through them.

SFW readers may wish to avoid supporting IFCO and spread the word that this organization may be supporting Jihadist terrorism. Here is their web site:



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