Unfortunately, the British continue to invite the financial jihadists into their investment houses and banks, determined that this will attract shiploads of petrodollars without impacting British culture, society and security.

Before dismissing the notion that Shariah finance could introduce nefarious elements into a Western host nation, readers should remind themselves that the whole purpose of Shariah finance is to promote Shariah and Islam and, in 2009, at the World Islamic Economic Forum in Kuala Lumpur, the keynote speaker called on Islamic financial institutions to continue their “dawa” operations. Dawa is known by a few different descriptions:

• “missionary work”

• “civilizational jihad”

• “pre-violent jihad”

At any rate, the British people are perhaps the West’s leading unwitting victims of these dawa operations and have been for years. Two years ago, the Archbishop of Canterbury actually declared that Britain’s common law legal system must incorporate shariah. He basically considered the insinuation of shariah into British common law to be harmless. Why?

Because Britain had already embraced shariah-compliant finance with no ill-effects.

And therein lies the danger.

The latest evidence of the bridgehead that the financial jihadists have established in the UK comes in the form of two developments:

First of all, the Islamic Bank of Britain (IBB) (which was actually conceived in Qatar) has created a new product and service tailored to financial advisers. Note that IBB’s Shariah Supervisory Board is dominated by members of the Jihadist Taqi Usmani-led AAOIFI (Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions).


The second example involves Britain’s national penson scheme, NEST, or National Employment Savings Trust.

Note that the financial services conglomerate HSBC is instrumental in facilitating the Shariah finance aspect of NEST and that our very own Dow Jones is also playing an indirect support role in the scheme. This is certainly no accident since, until relatively recently, both HSBC and Dow Jones retained Mufti Taqi Usmani (an outright Jihadist) as chair of both their Shariah advisory boards. When Usmani’s Jihadist ties and sympathies came to light, both HSBC and Dow Jones removed him from their boards…and shamelessly replaced him with his son…





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