In what may be the most absurd outrage to date from the disgraceful Eric Holder Justice Department, there is now a motion afoot to free convicted Al Qaeda terrorist and Muslim Brotherhood operative Abdurahman Alamoudi.

Abdurahman Alamoudi was convicted and sentenced to 23 years for his role in financing Al Qaeda and for his role (he was the bag man) in plotting to assassinate the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia.

Why on earth would the Obama administration seek to have this enemy of America set free early?

Discover the Networks has a complete dossier on Alamoudi that we won’t reproduce here because it contains so many important embedded links. Trust us, you MUST read it. It details a trail of Jihadi activity and Muslim Brotherhood infiltration and influence operations going back for decades–including Alamoudi’s financial ties to the notorious Grover Norquist, the libertarian Republican with ties to multiple Muslim Brotherhood operatives…

After reading this dossier, it is impossible to understand how such a man with longstanding terrorist ties could be considered for release from prison early.  This was a man who actively plotted with others to kill Americans.

Read more from the Center for Security Policy’s Frank Gaffney…




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