During the 2008 presidential campaign, the Obama campaign belittled Senator John McCain for alleging ties between Iran (which is Shiite-ruled) and Al Qaeda (which is a Salafist Sunni organization). At the time, your SFW editor wrote an article for National Review on the subject:


Now, more than three years later, Obama’s US Treasury Department has finally come around to releasing information on Iran’s financial ties to Al Qaeda.

It is worth noting that these financial ties should come as no surprise due to two salient points:

• Iran is the world’s most active state sponsor of Jihadist terrorism.

• Iran dominates the world of Shariah-Compliant Finance, with nearly twice as many Shariah-compliant assets under management than Saudi Arabia. In fact, the three largest Shariah-compliant banks are all Iranian state-controlled banks.

It seems that one of the main financiers for Al Qaeda, a Jihadi named Ezedin Abdel Aziz Khalil, collects “donations” (i.e. zakat money) and distributes the money to Al Qaeda’s operations in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Khalil collects much of his money with the help of key financiers in Qatar and Kuwait…

There are numerous articles on this online and we’ve provided links to several of the best for our readers to acquaint themselves with the Iran-Al Qaeda financial axis…

Al Qaeda’s Money Man in Iran


Iran Plays Host to Al Qaeda Network, Treasury Says


US Accuses Iran of Secret Deal With Al Qaida


Al Qaeda in Iran: US Finally Acknowledges The Terror Connection


Treasury Targets Iran’s ‘Secret Deal’ with Al Qaeda





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