From the “what the heck were they thinking?” category comes the news that the New York-based Global Finance Magazine has bestowed an honor on the Islamic Republic of Sudan’s Al Salam Bank.

The award was “Best Bank in Sudan, ” not a significant one to be sure, but there are plenty of reasons why Global Finance Magazine should not be honoring this bank, or any bank from Sudan:

• Al Salam bank reports that it does in fact make zakat donations, as is required for Shariah compliance. This is especially a problem since Sudan is an official state sponsor of terrorism according to the US State Department. And, as Money Jihad blog reported just this week, Hamas continues to raise money in Sudan…

Zakat is a clear concern because one of the 8 approved destinations for zakat in Shariah is to “those fighting in the way of Allah,” and, in fact, dozens of Islamic charities that receive zakat have been implicated in funding Jihadist terrorism. When you combine money with zakat with Sudan, all sorts of red flags go up.

• The Islamic Republic of Sudan is of course also a well-known genocidal regime. They have slaughtered hundreds of thousands of mostly black Africans. Doing business in and with Sudan sends a terrible message that Sudan is open for business and the West does not care if they slaughter innocents in the name of Jihad.

Global Finance Magazine has a poor due diligence operation if they were somehow unable to figure these things out on their own…




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