A report issued by the House Homeland Security Committee indicates that Hezbollah has a large and threatening presence inside the USA and is successfully raising funds inside the USA to support its Jihad.

Among the findings outlined in the report which are particularly relevant for SFW readers:

• Counterterrorism officials consider Hezbollah fundraising cells to be prevalent across the United States.

• Sophisticated operations have been uncovered within large Lebanese communities in New York and Michigan, but also in other parts of the USA, such as Charlotte, NC.

• There is a general consensus among dozens of experts as well as current and former law enforcement and intelligence officials that Hezbollah, more than any other terrorist organization, is the most capable of transforming US-based fundraising cells into lethal terrorist cells at the order of the Iranian regime.

• There are likely several thousand sympathetic Hezbollah donors across America and hundreds of actual operatives.

• Some Hezbollah terrorists have been quietly convicted of fraud or other criminal activities and deported without their Hezbollah ties being publicly disclosed by federal prosecutors.

The entire preliminary report can be found here:


It is highly likely that donations to Hezbollah have come from the USA in the form of zakat payments. Regular readers of SFW will recall that zakat is a form of tithing required under Shariah. The problem with zakat however, is that numerous sources and authorities have confirmed that one of the destinations of zakat money is to those waging violent Jihad. We covered this in detail in a posting in October of 2011:


This is related to Shariah-compliant finance in that Shariah-compliant financial institutions are required to donate under zakat just as individuals are. There is an obvious moral hazard involved.


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