The Jihadist organization, Hizb ut-Tahrir, whose goal is to re-establish the caliphate and have Shariah law imposed around the globe, has once again delved into the world of finance.

Back in 2009, the organization called for the demise of capitalism to be replaced by an Islamic system of economics based on Shariah:

Now, Hizb ut-Tahrir has published a report calling for a new gold standard.

We believe that what we are seeing here is a form of taqiyya, or sacred deception. Taqiyya is a principle in Islam that allows Muslims to lie in order to promote Islam. A gold standard and Shariah-compliant finance would not seem to be compatible at all. You need free markets for a true gold standard and Shariah-Compliant Finance is one of the ultimate forms of centralized, totalitarian economics known to mankind.



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