Tennessee newspaper claims Shariah Finance Watch started “campaign” against Shariah Finance specialist appointed by Gov. Haslem
On June 7th, we posted an article about how Tennessee’s Republican governor and Economic and Community Development commissioner had seen fit to appoint a former Obama White House official who happens to be a specialist in Shariah Finance to their state’s office of Economic and Community Development. Her name is Samar Ali.
SFW has documented for several years now the threat from Shariah Finance, a system that has implications far beyond what ignorant state government officials and hopelessly biased reporters in the dinosaur media would ever admit.
We suggested at the end of our post that activists in Tennessee should use this as an opportunity to educate their elected and appointed officials about the threat from Shariah Finance. This was as mild a call to action as we can imagine. Nevertheless a newspaper in Tennessee has now published an article crediting SFW with starting a “campaign” aimed at Ali’s hire. The newspaper also claims the campaign failed because the office in question only received 18 emails on the subject.
The article also points out our use of the term “financial jihadists.” We would like to point out that financial jihad is not a term that we invented. In fact, it is a concept that has its basis in Islamic doctrine and it has been used by Shariah scholars themselves–including Shariah scholars associated with large Shariah-compliant financial institutions in the Middle East.
Moreover, we were not the first, or only, blog or publication to notify citizens about Samar Ali’s appointment.
Well, since we have been credited/blamed with launching a campaign without really trying, we may as well do it right.
The man in charge of the Tennessee Economic and Community Development Commission is named Bill Hagerty.
We believe that people in Tennessee should contact Mr. Hagerty and simply respectfully ask him what he knows about Shariah-Compliant Finance. Ask Mr. Hagerty if Ms. Ali had any dealings with financial institutions affiliated in any way with the Shariah scholar Mufti Taqi Usmani. Our guess is he will have no clue, which is just characteristic of a lack of due diligence rampant on the subject of Shariah-compliant finance in the halls of government and in the business community here in the United States.