IFSB: Shariah Finance to grow at 15% annual rate over next decade
On June 29, 2012 · In Creeping Shariah, Egypt, HSBC, IFSB, Islamic Banking, Islamic Finance, Islamic Financial Services Board, Malaysia, Shariah Banking, Shariah Finance
The Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) forecasts that the Shariah Finance industry will grow at a 15% annual rate over the next ten years.
Meanwhile, HSBC, one of the leaders of the financial jihad in the West, points out that Shariah banking has grown at a 15% to 25% annual rate.
As if to celebrate the ascendency of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, HSBC’s Malaysia CEO specifically singled out Egypt as an example of the countries that are increasingly turning to Shariah finance.
The financial jihad marches on, with the help of useful idiots like HSBC, in the West…