US Imposes Sanctions on Eight Lashkar e Taiba leaders
On August 31, 2012 · In India, Jihad, Jihadist Groups/Individuals, Lashkar e Taiba, Sanctions, Terror, Terror Funding, terrorism
The US Treasury Department has designated eight leadersĀ of the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) as terrorists andĀ placed sanctions on them, holding them accountable for the Mumbai attacks in 2008, and attacks on coalition and Afghan forces in Afghanistan.
The designation bars US citizens from engaging in transactions with the designees and freezes the assets of the designees under US jurisdiction:
8/30/2012OFFICE OF FOREIGN ASSETS CONTROLSpecially Designated Nationals Update
The following individuals have been added to OFAC’s SDN List:
HAMZA, Amir (a.k.a. HAMZA, Maulana Ameer), Jamia Masjid, al Qadsia, Chauburji Chowk, Lahore, Pakistan; DOB 10 May 1959; POB Sheikhupura, Punjab Province, Pakistan; citizen Pakistan; Passport AB6217491 issued 01 Jun 2006 expires 01 Jun 2011; National ID No. 3520149847497 (Pakistan) (individual) [SDGT].MIR, Sajjid (a.k.a. CHAUDARY, Sajid Majeed; a.k.a. CHUHDRI, Sajid Majid; a.k.a. MAJEED, Sajid; a.k.a. MAJID, Sajid; a.k.a. MAJID, Sajjid; a.k.a. MIR, Sajid); DOB 31 Jan 1976; alt. DOB 01 Jan 1978; POB Lahore, Pakistan; nationality Pakistan; Passport KE381676 (Pakistan) issued 14 Oct 2004; National ID No. 3520163573447 (Pakistan) (individual) [SDGT].MUJAHID, Abdullah (a.k.a. ABDALLAH, Abu), Mohallah Markaz Tayyeba Street, Muridke, Lahore, Pakistan; DOB 15 May 1970; POB Bhalwal, Sargodha District, Punjab Province, Pakistan; citizen Pakistan; Passport DM1074371 (Pakistan) issued 30 May 2009 expires 29 May 2014; National ID No. 3540118204373 (Pakistan) (individual) [SDGT].MUNTAZIR, Abdullah (a.k.a. KHAN, Abdullah; a.k.a. MUNTAZER, Abdullah); DOB 17 Jan 1974; POB Abbottabad, Pakistan; National ID No. 3520203526763 (Pakistan) (individual) [SDGT].SAEED, Talha (a.k.a. SAEED, Hafiz Talha; a.k.a. SAEED, Mohammad Talha; a.k.a. SAEED, Tahil), 116-E Block, Johar Town, Lahore, Pakistan; DOB 25 Oct 1975; POB Sarghoda, Punjab Province, Pakistan; Passport BM5971331 (Pakistan) issued 24 Mar 2007 expires 22 Mar 2012 (individual) [SDGT].SHEIKH, Qari Muhammad Yaqoob (a.k.a. SHEIKH, Qari Muhammad Yaqub; a.k.a. YAQOOB, Mohammad; a.k.a. YAQOOB, Qari Shaikh Muhammad); DOB 20 Dec 1972; POB Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan; Passport BX5192361 (Pakistan) issued 04 Aug 2007 expires 02 Aug 2012; National ID No. 3120128002365 (Pakistan) (individual) [SDGT].WALID, Hafiz Khalid (a.k.a. NAIK, Khalid; a.k.a. WALEED, Khalid); DOB 25 Oct 1974; alt. DOB 1971; POB Lahore, Pakistan; citizen Pakistan; Passport AA9967331 (Pakistan) issued 03 Jun 2006 expires 02 Jun 2011; National ID No. 3410104067339 (Pakistan) (individual) [SDGT].YAQUB, Ahmed (a.k.a. GHANI, Hamad; a.k.a. YAKOOB, Mohammad); DOB 1966; alt. DOB 1967; POB Faisalabad, Pakistan; alt. POB Jeda Walah, Punjab Province, Pakistan (individual) [SDGT].