Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)-Canada Fingered for Financial Support of Terrorism in Kashmir
The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) is the largest Muslim organization in North America. It has key connections with members of the Obama administration and is frequently cited by the media as representative of the Muslim community.
Many people recall that ISNA was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial–the largest terrorism financing prosecution in US history. When ISNA sought to have that label removed in federal court in New Orleans, the court refused and maintained that the unindicted co-conspirator label was indeed justified.
Now, ISNA’s Canadian wing is suspected by Canadian authorities of funding Jihadist terrorism in Kashmir…
Money raised by an Islamic charity created to help Canada’s poor and needy instead went overseas, potentially into the hands of violent militants, a government audit has found.
The federal charity watchdog is now threatening to revoke the charity status of Mississauga’s ISNA (Islamic Society of North America) Development Foundation.
A Canada Revenue Agency audit revealed the foundation shipped more than $280,000 to a Pakistan-based agency, cash the government fears went to supporting the Hizbul Mujahideen — a militant group that seeks the secession of Kashmir from India.
One Response to Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)-Canada Fingered for Financial Support of Terrorism in Kashmir
I will never ever believe that Canadian government can support terrorism in any form. Especially if we are talking about financial support. I personally do not understand why they would possibly need it! So I am sure that this is one more Islamic way to turn world’s attention to them. Canada is a completely financially successful and independent country. Take a look at Canadians, they do not even take out payday money that often! Well if they need, they can always find trustworthy payday loan lenders online you know. So I do not see any reason for Canada to get itself involved in this mess.