It has become common knowledge that Jihad is partially funded by the illegal drug trade. Hezbollah has been known to be active in drug smuggling in the Middle East and Europe and the Taliban probably lead the world in the opium and heroin trade.

Over the weekend in the UK, a major heroin smuggling ring said to have run as much as 360 million pounds sterling of heroin between Pakistan and the UK was busted. The names reveal something about the gang and should at least raise the question as to whether a portion of the proceeds was going to fund jihad:

Mohammed Farooq

Catherine Farooq

Zahir Ali

Safdar Nawaz

Abdul Rehman Niazi

Akhter Ali Sarfudin

Ahmed Shah

Asid Iqbal Shan

Ali Abdulla

Asid Iqbal Shan

Mehrban Hussain

Homayon Mehrpoor



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