Pakistanis to Push Shariah Finance in Africa
On February 25, 2014 · In Africa, AlHuda Centre of Islamic Banking and Economics (CIBE), Creeping Shariah, Islamic Banking, Islamic Finance, Islamization, Pakistan, Shariah Banking, Shariah Finance
The Pakistani-based AlHuda Centre of Islamic Banking and Economics (CIBE) is slated to conduct a Shariah finance and banking road show of sorts across the continent of Africa. Among the countries that CIBE will be proselytizing in will be Tanzania, Tunisia, Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, South Africa and Mauritius.
CIBE is becoming a nefarious force in the world for promoting Shariah through the financial back door; some members of its Shariah department have education and background affiliations that closely track those of the notorious, Jihadist Shariah scholar, Muft Taqi Usmani.