Kyle Shideler in Family Security Matters: Shariah Law: Good for Wall Street, Bad for Beverly Hills?
Kyle Shideler makes an excellent point with the article linked below: Shariah is not an a la carte menu from which you can pick and choose what you want based on what you like and dislike.
As we noted here on SFW, on the very day that the Sultan of Brunei’s order to impose shariah went into effect, Brunei announced a major sukuk (Shariah-compliant bond) offering. The main purpose of shariah finance is dawa’h–missionary operations via the financial world. In other words, the main purpose of shariah finance is to promote shariah. And shariah is toxic to Western values and principles of freedom and liberty. Kyle mentions in the article that the Treasury Department seminar on “Islamic” finance (euphemism for sharia finance) held in 2008 was claimed to be promoting free market principles.
Shariah finance is the OPPOSITE of free market capitalism and free enterprise. Shariah-compliant finance is perhaps the ultimate form of centralized economics in the world today.