The intrepid Sharyl Attkisson has just published an excellent account of the role of Islamic charities in funding Jihadist terrorism, a subject obviously of vital importance to us here at SFW.

Attkisson, you may recall, was a 21-year veteran of CBS News who left the network after her investigative reporting into the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack on US diplomatic facilities was spiked by the network.

We are very glad to see that she is devoting her considerable talents to investigating Jihadist terrorism further…

For the first time, startling details are being made public about the millions of dollars funneled from Middle East charities to Islamic terrorists and their families.

The money was used to reward terrorists and their families after attacks on Israelis and U.S. nationals visiting Israel between 2000 and 2005 during the second intifada or Palestinian uprising.



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