International Islamic Financial Market: A Shady Organization
The Bahrain-based International Islamic Financial Market purports to be a Shariah finance industry entity designed to impose industry-wide standards on the Shariah-compliant finance industry.
That may or may not be true.
They sure have a slick web site.
But when you drill down on their web site, you find some troubling aspects of the organization, its founding/permanent members, for instance.
Among them are the Islamic Development Bank and the Bank of Sudan.
The Islamic Development Bank is the financial arm of the Islamist, imperialist Organization of Islamic Cooperation, who has as its goal the establishment of the Islamic caliphate.
The Bank of Sudan is the central bank of the Jihadist, genocidal regime in Sudan. Sudan is officially designated as a terrorist sponsoring nation by the US government.
Inevitably, these are the kinds of folks running Shariah finance.