posted by Christopher W. Holton

Gilbert Chagoury donated millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation. He also donated to a Lebanese organization with financial ties to Hezbollah, designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the U.S. State Department.

Let that sink in. Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. A huge donor to her family foundation had ties to an organization that the State Department had designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.

How extensive were Chagoury’s ties to an organization that funded Hezbollah?

So extensive that he was denied entry into the U.S.

…bureaucrats in other arms of the State Department were examining accusations that Chagoury had unsavory affiliations, stemming from his activities and friendships in Lebanon. After a review, Chagoury was refused a visa to enter the U.S. last year.

…in 1996, he gave $460,000 to a voter registration group steered by Bill Clinton’s allies and was rewarded with an invitation to a White House dinner. Over the years, Chagoury attended Clinton’s 60th birthday fundraiser and helped arrange a visit to St. Lucia, where the former president was paid $100,000 for a speech. Clinton’s aide, Doug Band, even invited Chagoury to his wedding.

Chagoury also contributed $1 million to $5 million to the Clinton Foundation, according to its list of donors.

A 2013 FBI intelligence report, citing unverified raw information from a source, claimed Chagoury had sent funds to Aoun, who transferred money to Hezbollah. The source said Aoun was “facilitating fundraising for Hezbollah.”

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