posted by Christopher W Holton

Though he continued to use contrived, tortured language in his description of the threat, National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster finally woke up this week and realized that the threat from Jihad (a word he did NOT use) extends way beyond–geographically and literally–ISIS and Al Qaeda.

Speaking at a conference in Washington, D.C., McMaster fingered two countries that he said were playing a key role in advancing “radical Islamist ideology” through the Muslim community’s “charities, madrassas and other social organizations.”

Not Pakistan. Not Libya. Not Iran. The two countries named by McMaster have been regarded for most of the past century as stalwart allies of the West. One is a member of the NATO alliance and a candidate country for EU membership. The other hosts the most vital American military base in the Middle East, home to the headquarters of CENTCOM and the location of more than 9,000 U.S. troops.

These two countries are Turkey and Qatar. And the promotion of radical Islam, McMaster said, is “now done more by Qatar, and by Turkey.”

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