Does Your Financial Institution Participate in Shariah Compliant Finance?
The most common requests we receive here at SFW are questions as to whether banks or brokerage houses “are Shariah-compliant?” As a result of these numerous inquiries, for the past several weeks, we have carefully compiled a list of financial institutions active in the USA that have some form of tie to Shariah Compliant Finance. […]
The most prominent weapon in the financial jihadists’ arsenal is the sukuk, also known as the Islamic bond. Sukuk have taken off like wildfire in the Islamic world and they are being pushed out hard to the non-Muslim world. South Korea, the Philippines and Thailand are just three nations that have come under intense pressure […]
The Islamic Development Bank, a Saudi-dominated financial proselytizing organization, is planning to launch a dollar-denominated sukuk, or Islamic bond. There are some key Western banks which are helping with this process and we thought that SFW readers may be interested in knowing who they are: BNP Paribas SA Deutsche Bank AG HSBC Holdings PLC Standard […] is once again giving out awards for compliance to the financial wing of the barbaric, medieval doctrine known as Shariah. They have a whole host of awards to dole out (no fewer than 19 awards in the field of “Islamic” finance), which probably indicates that these awards are a convoluted effort to drum up […]
BNP: Lack of Shariah Standards Limiting Islamic Funds
BNP is one of our least favorite banks. Not only are they a big promoter of Shariah Finance in the West, but they also are the banker of choice for the Ayatollahs in Tehran. Nevertheless, they have provided us with some useful fodder today. They are whining because they essentially can’t get a straight answer […]
Islamic Development Bank could raise $500m bond (sukuk)
The Jeddah, Saudi Arabia-based Islamic Development bank will soon issue a $500 million sukuk or Islamic bond issue. This is rather controversial in Shariah Finance circles since Mufti Taqi Usmani issued an opinion last year declaring that most such instruments are in fact NOT Shariah-compliant and are unislamic. That opinion, along with the world economic […]
The French bank, BNP Paribas has long had a reputation for being willing to do just about anything to make a franc. After all, they were the one Western bank that was willing to step up and provide financing for Iran when no one else would touch the ayatollahs. To this day, BNP Paribas is […]