We have long pointed out on SFW that the purpose of Shariah finance is in fact to promote Shariah. Here is an example of that at work. Shariah banking is reportedly taking hold is a big way in Ethiopia, a developing nation with a majority Christian population… http://www.6kilo.com/islamic-banking-booming-in-ethiopia-2/
The evidence is really piling up connecting Islamic charities to violent Jihad/terrorism. The latest case comes from the continent of Africa, where authorities arrested 6 Saudi nationals last month for funding terrorism through charitable operations. Very often these incidents involve Saudis and the Saudi embassy leaps to their defense… Ethiopian authorities on Sunday have arrested […]
Zakat goes to all sorts of purposes. One of them is to get poor, destitute non-Muslims to convert to Islam, as explained in the post linked below on Money Jihad blog. The gist of this is that when a Western financial institution facilitates Shariah Finance it is subsidizing the promotion of Islam and Shariah. That […]