The military is checking whether terrorist group Jemaah Islamiyah is providing funds to the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) following reports that bomb expert Abdul Basit Usman was spotted in a recent clash in Maguindanao. Col. Dickson Hermoso, spokesman of the Army’s 6th division, said the link between the BIFF and the Jemaah Islamiyah has […]
Bootleg cigarettes linked to terrorism
Law enforcement and intelligence officials have long known that counterfeit and bootleg cigarettes have been used to fund terrorism. The excellent book “Lightning Out of Lebanon,” detailed just such a case in which a cigarette bootlegging ring in North Carolina and Michigan was churning out funds for Hezbollah. Evidently these activities are not limited to […]
Islamic Charities Revealed: Bankrollers of Terror
Foreign Policy magazine recently published an excellent article on the role of Islamic charities in funding Jihadist terrorism, something we’ve been writing about here on SFW for several years now. Authors Daveed Gartenstein-Ross and Aaron Y. Zelin detail in the article how Islamic NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) are bankrolling terrorist organizations under the guise of “aid.” […]
Testimony in a terrorism trial in Indonesia indicates that the late Al Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden directly funded the bombing in Bali, Indonesia that killed 202, many of them Western tourists. Osama bin Laden gave the Jemaah Islamiyah $30,000 to carry out terror attacks in Southeast Asia, a key witness in the ongoing trial […]
Correcting The New Misinformation on Islamic Charities Funding Jihadist Terrorism
The Guardian in the UK has come out with an article (“Counterterrorism laws taking their toll on humanitarian action”) critical of US counterterrorism efforts that are designed to prevent the funneling of money to Jihadist terrorist groups, especially in Gaza and Somalia, two hotbeds of Jihadist terrorist activity. When ever we see misguided and ignorant […]
Wikileaks: Private Saudi Donations Fund Jihad in Philippines
US diplomats openly acknowledged in the secret cables leaked by Wikileaks the role Saudi Arabia was playing in funding the Islamic groups in the Philippines and declared that it must be stopped. This is a common theme around the world. Saudis fund Jihad with “private” donations (often from members of the royal family) while the […]
The Treasury Department added three members of Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), an al Qaeda affiliate based in Southeast Asia, to its list of specially designated global terrorists earlier this month. Two of the three, Abdul Rahim Ba’asyir (Abdul Rahim) and Muhammad Jibril Abdul Rahman (Jibril), were identified as senior members of JI’s al Ghuraba cell in Karachi, […]