(Hopefully, these teachers will not have sex on the beach, get drunk in public, and will wear appropiate clothing while employed in Dubai. Also, they should be aware that there are many human rights abuses that take place behind the gloss of the marble entries and lights. New Zealanders are used to a fair democracy, […]
1:16 PM Apr 11, 2008 http://www.businessspectator.com.au/bs.nsf/Article/Airport-bid-grounded-DL5H4?OpenDocument Giles Parkinson Airport bid grounded The battle for control of Auckland Airport has kept Kiwi eyebrows in an almost permanent state of elevation these past few months, but the two thuds just heard from across the Tasman were the sound of jaws dropping onto the desk, and of […]
List of Major Banks dealing with Shariah Finance-tools for research
Here is a list of banks that are expanding the Islamic Shariah industry worldwide. Also, a link to the major periodicals that discuss Shariah Finance. In order to combat this rising influence on our banking industry, you must learn and understand what it is. This type of banking is a screen to infiltrate into a […]