Is Shariah Banking Safe for Canada?
On February 1, 2010 · In Canada, Islamic Banking, Islamic Bonds, Islamic charities, Islamic Finance, Islamic Law, Islamization, Rachel's Law, Shariah Banking, Shariah Bonds, Shariah Finance, Shariah Law, SUKUK, Zakat
As the financial jihadists continue to gain a foothold in the West, more and more articles are appearing which question the wisdom of allowing Shariah to penetrate our systems which are based on liberties that are mutually exclusive of Shariah law. The article below pertaining to the introduction of Shariah Banking in Canada contains an […]
Money Talks: Deterring Libel Tourism
On January 6, 2010 · In Britain, Creeping Shariah, Free Speech, Islamic Law, Islamization, Jihad, lawfare, Rachel's Law, Shariah Law, stealth jihad, Terror Funding, United Kingdom, USA
The Sauds are mounting a surreptitious campaign to stifle freedom of expression in the United States through “lawfare.” This is why state-level initiatives designed to protect free speech, such as those already passed in New York, California, Florida and Illinois, are so important. For information on how you can get involved in starting a Free […]