A Saudi Arabian father forced his 10-year-old daughter to return to her 80-year-old husband Sunday, after she was found hiding at the home of her aunt for 10 days, Arab News reported. Read more at Fox News: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,543060,00.html?test=latestnews
Andrew Bostom on Rifqa Bary and Shariah in America
Andrew Bostom is one of the most insightful commentators on the subject of Shariah and Jihad today and he has written another excellent piece for the American thinker which is well worth reading… http://www.americanthinker.com/printpage/?url=http://www.americanthinker.com/2009/08/killing_rifqa.html
Rifqa Bary, ‘Dead Girl Walking’ Fox News, Newsmax | Aug 21, 2009 By Frank Gaffney, Jr. Frank Gaffney on Fox News discusses Rifqa Bary– a 17 year-old apostate from Islam. She fled her home in Ohio last month, claiming that her father threatened to kill her for converting from Islam to Christianity. Under Shariah law, […]
The Irish Times published a short article overnight which highlighted a growing problem in the West: child abductions in which the children who are abducted are brought by a parent (usually a father) to that parent’s foreign country of origin. It has proven exceedingly difficult to do anything about these cases, especially in nations in […]
As reported on the blog, Terror Trends Bulletin, the Jihadists have won in Somalia by forcing a deal similar to that which Pakistan signed with the Taliban not long ago. Add Somalia to the list of nations ruled by Shariah. It is very important to make note of the fact that these “peace” treaties with […]
The Result of Pakistan’s Separate Peace With The Taliban: The End of Women’s Rights
The article below from Dawn.com needs very little introduction. It vividly describes how the brutal Taliban use Shariah against women. This article should be made required reading for every financial CEO in the West that has decided to embrace Shariah through Shariah-Compliant Finance. http://dawn.net/wps/wcm/connect/dawn%20content%20library/dawn/news/pakistan/Whither-Swats-women–il
In Yemen, the parliament has set a new minimum age requirement for marriage. That age is 17. This should be seen as a progressive mood to protect the rights of women. Unfortunately, the promoters of Shariah do not see it that way at all. They are saying that the new age requirement violates Shariah law. […]
Evidently Saudi Arabia doesn’t understand Islam
While reading the morning news on the internet about an hour ago, we came across an article in The Denver Post entitled Trying to Understand More About Islam’s Teachings, by Gail Schoettler, a former Lt. Governor of Colorado and U.S. ambassador. http://www.denverpost.com/opinion/ci_11682250 Ms. Schoettler recalls the horrific case in which the Islamic Courts in Somalia executed […]
WomenOntheWeb: Is the Banking Bailout Helping Fund Terror Groups?
A web site named Women on the Web just published an article related to Shariah Finance. It was not particularly well done unfortunately. Since I was quoted in the article (see link below) I felt the need to preface the link with some comments: As one of the people interviewed in this article, I feel […]
Britain’s Muslim schools have been sharply criticised in a controversial draft report commissioned by a leading think tank which suggests that over 60 per cent of them are linked to potentially dangerous Islamic fundamentalists. An early version of the report, entitled When Worlds Collide, alleges that of the 133 Muslim primary and secondary schools it […]
Press Release Launch of One Law for All – Campaign against Sharia law in Britain December 1, 2008 The One Law for All campaign against Sharia law in Britain is to be launched at the House of Lords on International Human Rights Day, December 10, 2008 from 4:00 to 5:00pm. According to campaign […]
Forced Islamic Indoctrination of British children FROM THEOPINIONATOR: Yet another example of the forced inculcation of the non muslim British children into the Islam appears on a video today. (ITV Local West Country) Under the guise of “Islamic awareness”, school children were brought to a mosque to have Islam explained to them by a cleric. […]
“Once again, we see evidence of a nexus between fundraising in the West and the imposition of brutal Shariah and terrorism around the globe.”crowds flocing in Somalia to witness stoning London fundraisers linked to stoning of 13-year-old Girl who tells Shariah court of rape is convicted, executed for ‘adultery’ Posted: November 11, 2008 […]
Tokyo Correspondent Islamic radicals support stoning women, terrorism, and killing converts to Christianity. Islamic radicals in Somalia desire to create an Islamic state based on Sharia Islamic law and the brutality of their thinking can be seen by recent events in Somalia. This most notably applies to stoning a young lady to death and beheading […]
Top News Somali stoning victim said to be 13 Published: Nov. 4, 2008 at 11:50 AM Order reprints | Feedback KISMAYO, Somalia, Nov. 4 (UPI) — A young Somali woman stoned to death by a crowd was 13 years old, not 23 as reported by local news media, human rights activists say. Some 50 […]
Muslim Cleric Faces Possible Criminal Charges for Marrying 12-Year-Old Contest Winner Monday, October 27, 2008 A wealthy Indonesian Muslim cleric faces accusations of having illegal sex with a minor after marrying a 12-year-old girl selected for him through a contest. Pujiono Cahyo Widianto, a 43-year-old owner of an Islamic boarding school, wed and likely […]
Link between child porn and Muslim terrorists discovered in police raids Link between child porn and Muslim terrorists discovered in police raids A link between terrorism plots and hardcore child pornography is becoming clear after a string of police raids in Britain and across the Continent, an investigation by The Times has discovered. […]
Been harassed by hardline religious police? Been arrested for holding hands with your own spouse? I have. Now our children can share these exciting experiences with a board game inspired by Sharia law. Just take home a copy of Good Game, a genuine board game introduced to me by reader Isman Suryaman from Indonesia. […]
Man avoids British jail for child cruelty in Muslim rite www.cache.daylife.com LONDON — A man convicted of encouraging two children to whip themselves with a blade-tipped flail as part of a Muslim religious ritual avoided jail in northern England on Wednesday. Syed Mustafa Zaidi, 44, pushed the teens to take part in the self-flagellation […]
(New York, September 10, 2008) – Ending executions for crimes committed by children in just five countries would result in universal implementation of the prohibition on the juvenile death penalty, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Governments should use next week’s United Nations General Assembly session opening to commit to urgently […]
Iran Executes Sixth Juvenile Offender This Year, 26th Since 2005 (New York, August 27, 2008) – Calling Iran’s execution on August 26, 2008 of juvenile offender Behnam Zare abhorrent, Human Rights Watch urged the Iranian judiciary to immediately commute the sentences of more than 130 other prisoners facing death for crimes committed while children. Zare […]
Iran hangs man for crime when he was 15 Violates Treaty Hiedeh Farmani, Agence France-Presse Published: Thursday, August 21, 2008 TEHRAN – Iran has hanged a man for a murder committed when he was 15, violating an international convention on child rights, reports said yesterday, as campaigners said dozens more inmates were on death row for […]
Child beggar’s father fights abusive teacher By RUKMINI CALLIMACHI http://www.ovimagazine.com/logos/art_2326.jpg KAOLACK, Senegal (AP) — It hurts too much to lie on his back, so the 7-year-old has spent the past month stretched out on his stomach. His two grandmothers sit on the hospital bed beside him, fanning the pink flesh left exposed by his teacher’s […]
Some Indian Muslims participate in these baby throwing rites. Supposedly the intent is to ensure good health and good fortune for these infants (if they survive). It’s hard to watch this video. It is utterly beyond me how people can subject a baby to this. Indian Baby Dropping Ritual http://tinyurl.com/68y3y7 (Reuters)