Does Your Financial Institution Participate in Shariah Compliant Finance?
The most common requests we receive here at SFW are questions as to whether banks or brokerage houses “are Shariah-compliant?” As a result of these numerous inquiries, for the past several weeks, we have carefully compiled a list of financial institutions active in the USA that have some form of tie to Shariah Compliant Finance. […]
An Extremely Important Article on Shariah-Compliant Finance from Congressman Allen West
Investor’s Business Daily and Congressman Allen West have teamed up overnight to publish an extremely important op ed penned by Congressman West on the subject of Shariah-Compliant Finance. In his column, Congressman West points out virtually all of the major concerns surrounding Shariah-Compliant Finance and laments that it has received no critical scrutiny from US […] By Mushtak Parker It sounds like the name of a new Japanese bank entering the Gulf market for the first time. But on closer inspection Noriba Bank BSC, which was incorporated in Bahrain in May this year and due to start operations next month, is a Swiss-owned investment bank managed by an […]
By Robin Wigglesworth Published: July 15 2008 03:00 | Last updated: July 15 2008 03:00 UBS has appointed Per E. Larsson as chief executive of its Middle East and North Africa operations as the world’s biggest wealth manager aims to expand in the booming region. Mr Larsson was chief executive of Sweden’s OMX exchange group […]