VIDEO: Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah reveals his monthly salary from #Iran — Al Arabiya English (@AlArabiya_Eng) January 4, 2018 Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah reveals his monthly salary from Iran
posted by Christopher W Holton Shin Bet, Israel’s domestic intelligence and security agency, has uncovered new evidence of Iranian support for Jihadist terrorism in Israel. According to the agency, Iranian intelligence recruited 29-year-old Muhammad Maharma, a computer engineering student from Hebron, to carry out terrorist attacks and conduct espionage missions in the West Bank on […]
Bandow: Saudi Arabia funding creates breeding ground for Jihad
posted by Christopher W Holton Doug Bandow, writing in the Orange County Register, reminds us that Saudi Arabia has created breeding grounds for Jihadists around the world. Excerpts and link below… Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have attacked their neighbor, Qatar, for supposedly supporting terrorism. They pretend to be firefighters, but spent years […]
posted by Christopher W Holton Down in Australia, Zakaria Zaatiti is being tried for shooting two teenagers back in August. Details of the shooting aren’t complete in the article linked below but we do know that Zaatiti was denied bail, at least partially because he had conducted internet searches for “rocket propelled grenade,” “Islamic State,” […]
Here we have, unfortunately, yet another example of an enemy within. These stories of homegrown Jihadis here in the U.S. are becoming more and more frequent. This particular case shows why we need a terrorist registry in every state in the United States similar to the sex offender registry that currently operates from coast to […]
The Shariah Finance Trojan Horse Shows Up on
by Christopher W Holton One of the chief concerns from Shariah-compliant finance is that it can be, and has been, used to put people at ease about the true nature of shariah and the threat that is poses. Shariah-compliant finance is also a weapon that Islamists can use to force shariah upon non-Muslims. Both of […]
Why It’s a Bad Idea for Western Financial Firms to Get Involved in Zakat
by Christopher W Holton The issue of zakat is one that is central to the concerns about Shariah-compliant finance, but concerns about zakat should extend far beyond Shariah finance alone. Zakat is a real threat because it is doctrinal in Islam and no figure, organization or body in Islam has the authority to change it. […]
posted by Christopher W Holton Politico has a blockbuster and exhaustive report posted that details Hezbollah’s criminal enterprises that finance its Jihad…and how Barack Obama’s desperation to reach a nuclear deal with Iran ended up blocking the task force that was going after them…
posted by Christopher W Holton No example of how Shariah Finance is failing can be more significant than its failure to catch on in the Arab world’s most populous nation, Egypt. Not only is Egypt the most populous Arab nation, but it is also home to Al Azhar, Sunni Islam’s most prestigious university, dedicated to […]
posted by Christopher W Holton Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member countries “should leverage on the rising global demand for Shariah-compliant financial products and services by strengthening their institutional frameworks and devise a bloc-wide integration framework that would allow Asean to capitalise on the industry.”
posted by Christopher W Holton Though he continued to use contrived, tortured language in his description of the threat, National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster finally woke up this week and realized that the threat from Jihad (a word he did NOT use) extends way beyond–geographically and literally–ISIS and Al Qaeda. Speaking at a conference in […]
Saudi Arabia Criticized for Funding Salafist Islam in Southeast Asia
posted by Christopher W Holton It has been a well-established fact that Saudi Arabia has spent tens of billions of dollars over the past 30-40 years or so proselytizing its brand of Sunni Islam, known as Wahhabism, but properly categorized as Salafism. It is also a well-established fact that Salafi Islam has given rise to […]
Long Island Woman Accused of Funding Islamic State
posted by Christopher W. Holton A Long Island, New York woman named Zoobia Shahnaz has been charged with bank fraud, conspiracy to commit money laundering and money laundering and is being held without bail after evidence indicated that she was sending money to the Islamic State jihadist organization. Shahnaz was born in Pakistan and worked […]
posted by Christopher W. Holton The intrepid Patrick Poole as a major story breaking over on PJ Media indicating a great deal of direct Turkish regime involvement in funding “criminal gangs” in Germany to attack dictator Erdogan’s opponents there… German intelligence wiretaps revealed AKP Party officials transferring money to leaders of the “Osmanen Germania” (Ottoman […]
posted by Christopher W. Holton The South African Department of Trade and Industry will lead an Outward Selling Mission (OSM) to the Qatar and Islamic Republic of Iran from 2-9 March 2018. The objective is to facilitate access for South African value-added products and services into Qatar and Iran. Iran of course needs no introduction. […]
posted by Christopher W. Holton There are indications that the British government may have been involved in a ransom payment to the Iranian government for the release of a British-Iranian dual citizen being held in by Iran. Before we get too indignant about this alleged revelation, we should remember that it wasn’t terribly long ago […]
posted by Christopher W. Holton Up until the September 11, 2001, attacks against the United States, Hezbollah, Lebanon’s Iranian-backed Shiite Party of God, was responsible for the deaths of more Americans than any other terrorist group in the world. Hezbollah introduced suicide bombings into the regional vernacular. The group, supported and fueled by the Iranian […]
posted by Christopher W. Holton The US Treasury Department must publish a report listing the financial assets of Iran’s leaders, under a bill that passed the US House of Representatives this week. The bill, which passed by a vote of 289-135, must still pass the US Senate before President Trump can decide whether or not […]
posted by Christopher W. Holton The US Congress is considering a bill to impose new sanctions on Iran for its destructive role in Yemen and its policies to destabilize the country by supporting Houthi militias and supplying them with weapons. (The bill is being) prepared by Republican Rep. Elena Rose Lehtinen of Florida and Ted […]
posted by Christopher W. Holton Lawyers for a Turkish banker on trial in New York on charges that he helped Iran evade U.S. sanctions asked a judge on Wednesday to declare a mistrial, saying testimony by a former Turkish police investigator should not have been allowed in court. The lawyers for Mehmet Hakan Atilla, an […]
posted by Christopher W. Holton As if we needed any more evidence of Putin’s nefarious intentions, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the world’s foremost state sponsor of Jihadist terrorism, is now joining Russia’s Eurasion Economic Union (EEU)… The Islamic Republic of Iran is due to join the Eurasion Economic Union (EEU) soon, with all formalities […]
The Gatestone Institute has posted an excellent analysis of Turkey’s activities to launder money to help Iran, the world’s foremost state sponsor of terrorism, bypass sanctions. Here are some excerpted highlights and a link to the report: In the investigation, Zarrab was accused of running a network that laundered at least $87 billion to bypass […]
An Example of Disinformation on “Islamic Banking”
posted by Christopher W. Holton Linked below is a rather typical example of the taqiyya that is used to promote Shariah-compliant finance, in this case Islamic banking. Practitioners of Shariah-finance are fond of defining it simply as “interest free.” There is much more to Shariah finance besides the interest-free aspect. First of all, the term […]
posted by Christopher W. Holton Readers who do business with Citi Group may be interested in their activities involving Shariah-compliant finance in Pakistan. According to annual report issued by Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), Shariah-compliant assets now represent 34.6 per cent of the total assets of the Non-Banking Financial Institute (NBFI) industry in […]
posted by Christopher W. Holton In stunning testimony in a blockbuster legal case in New York on money laundering and alleged violations of sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran, the key figure in the trial today declared that Turkish dictator Recep Erdogan was up to his ears in the scheme. This revelation confirms two […]
posted by Christopher W. Holton Islamic Relief Worldwide, or IRW, a United Kingdom-based humanitarian relief agency with a U.S. chapter, has received hundreds of thousands of dollars in U.S. federal grants in recent years, including $370,000 for the fiscal years 2015 and 2016. Quite naturally, IRW wants to keep the spigot of federal dollars flowing, […]
Dana Gas rejects new Shariah bond restructuring proposal
posted by Christopher W. Holton Dana Gas dismissed a new proposal from bondholders for the restructuring of US$700 million worth of sukuk, in the latest twist of an acrimonious dispute closely watched by Islamic finance practitioners. Discussions between Dana Gas and its sukuk holders soured earlier this year, when the company claimed outstanding sukuk, due […]
posted by Christopher W. Holton Charities in the United Kingdom are regulated by a governmental agency known as the Charity Commission. Over the years, the Charity Commission has found itself investigating multiple Islamic charities for a variety of irregularities, including supporting jihad. Now we have another example. The Charity Commission has opened a statutory inquiry […]
posted by Christopher W. Holton The Palestinian Authority’s 2017 budget shows a “huge increase” in the funding of salaries for imprisoned terrorists and the families of “martyrs,” an Israeli research institute revealed on Wednesday. According to Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), the amount of money allocated by the PA for payments to terrorists jailed in Israel […]
posted by Christopher W. Holton Nearly four years after the Islamic Society of North America’s Canadian wing lost its charity status for funding Jihadist terrorism, two more affiliates have been similarly sanctioned. Canadian authorities have stripped two former affiliates of the Islamic Society of North America’s Canada chapter (ISNA-Canada) of their charitable status after […]